Tutorial on Knowledge Space Theory (KST)
A learnr tutorial including several R Shiny Apps developed within the QHELP and TquanT. projects.
A learnr tutorial including several R Shiny Apps developed within the QHELP and TquanT. projects.
Illustrating neighbourhoods in knowledge structures (inspired by the Fringe app from the TquanT project).
This app allows you to define an arbitrary binary relation on a set of five items and shows you whether certain properties are fulfilled.
This app does a series of BLIM simulations and shows the dependence of the Discrepancy Index from the noise. The app was inspired by a student app from the 2019 seminar.
This app illustrates the application of the BLIM model to simulating response patterns from a knowledge structure.
The Knowledge Assessment App aims to give a demonstration of how the adaptive assessment of knowledge developed within the Knowledge Space Theory (KST) framework works in practice.
This app illustrates the use of IITA to generate surmise relations from data.
This app illustrates a simple approach to generating knowledge structures from response patterns.
This app applies several validation coefficients to a selection of knowledge structures and respective data. It is based on a student app developed at the 2018 TquanT seminar in Glasgow.
This app illustrates the fringe and neighbourhood of knowledge states.