Tag Knowledge Space Theory

BLIM simulation

This app lets you simulate response patterns based on a given knowledge space using the BLIM.

Deterministic knowledge assessment

This app lets you build your own knowledge structure on a set of five items on elementary probability theory, and lets you perform a deterministic knowledge assessment on that structure. It is derived from the app on probabilistic knowledge assessment.

Surmise relations

This app demonstrates surmise relations and the corresponding knowledge spaces.


This app visualizes the trade-off between the parameters of a non-identifiable basic local independence model (BLIM).

Parameter estimation

This app uses three procedures to estimate the parameters for a data set and a knowledge structure specified by the user. 

Local Independence

This app exemplifies the local independence assumption of the basic local independence model. 

WorkKST – Working with Knowledge Space Theory

This app is actually a GUI to various functions for work with knowledge spaces. It contains a number of pre–defined, mostly empirical knowledge structures and data, and it also allows to upload own structures and data. WorkKST is still work…